New Releases

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January 2023

Privacy and Safety in Online Learning

Denise FitzGerald Quintel (ed), Amy York (ed)
January 31, 2023


Coming Soon (March/April 2025)


MT Open Press is excited to annouce a new book will soon be added to the catalog!

The monograph, Educator Reflections: The Power of Our Stories, highlights the diverse professional journeys of various educators within Middle Tennessee State University and their partner schools as they share their experiences in the teaching profession. Contributors represent all educational levels, from preschool through higher education.

**This book is co-edited by Pamela Kramer Ertel and Robyn Ridgley, and has several contributing authors. The book has been externally reviewed and will be published open access (free PDF) and print-on-demand later in spring 2025.**


Read more about Coming Soon (March/April 2025)

MT Open Press is a new open publishing concept. We invite you to learn more.

DSI at Walker Library has extended its publishing services to include open textbooks and scholarly monographs. MT Open Press is a digital-first, hybrid press with a mission of providing open access publishing opportunities to the communities of middle Tennessee.

Readers can enjoy our books--free to read online, while offering some titles with a modest print-on-demand option for those that prefer a printed book.

Authors can enjoy a transparent publishing process, with editorial teams that take a values-based approach to publishing. This means authors retain the rights to their work and are not charged for publishing services.

MT Open Press has a different mission and focus than traditional publishers, and invites you to learn more about publishing possiblities. We also welcome support from the community, and invite you to donate, helping to enable open access publishing of books for the community. For donation instructions, contact the dean at